Wednesday, June 16, 2010

So as it turns out, Ohio is super boring and weird. We got off route 80 to head to our campsite (after about 9 hours of driving), and all there is is farmland and random houses in the middle of fields. It reminded me of the beginning of Jeepers Creepers. So when we finally arrive at the campsite (after driving in the same circle about 3 or 4 times trying to find the park office), we are literally the only people here. There are about 40 tent sites in this loop, and only ours is occupied, which I am totally cool with.

So we finished unpacking and setting up around 5:00, ate some delicious veg "chicken" tenders with buffalo sauce, and then wondered what the hell we were going to do in Ohio for the next few hours until it got dark. We decided to just watch Zombieland on my laptop, and then passed out around 8 or 8:30. We were both pretty beat, considering we had to wake up at 3:30 yesterday.

So now we are on our way to Lake MacBride, Iowa, which I expect will be no more interesting than Ohio.


  1. Bill Fucking Murray! Yesss lol

    Are those pictures from your iPhone? They're outstanding if they are.

  2. They are! I love my iPhone, it really does take good pictures, but as soon as I have Internet access I'll pose the awesome pictures from steve's intense camera.

    Miss you!

    love, lauren
